Saturday, October 18, 2014

Good bye…dad…see you when I get to heaven!

Yesterday I said my final good bye to my dad. I really never stopped to think it would be so soon for me to have to do this. My heart as an ache like I have never felt before, but I know that God will provide the comfort that I need to be able to go on without my dad here on earth. I know without a doubt that he is in heaven with Jesus and God. I know that he is rejoicing and he is no longer in pain.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

I am just tired of hearing about it!

I think I am really tired of seeing all the posts about Chic-filet and what everyone thinks they stand for or what they don't stand for...It is so ridiculous because it is so pointless to argue about it...and all these people claim to be believers in Christ.  It is just so sad that they chose to argue with other believers instead of just coming along side and praying that God will be with us all and help us to be servants of Christ. And also while I am ranting I am sick of hearing about people's political views...the liberals or the conservatives...each group thinks they are right and the other is wrong, but really if you are a Christian should you really be that involved in politics and being liberal or conservative...shouldn't you just be living how the Bible says to live our lives as followers of Christ? If we immerse ourselves in the Bible and Prayer  then God will lead us and place in us the proper attitude that we need for others. Everyone has been screaming about that we live in a country that has freedom to think, speak, and believe what you want but when one group expresses their ideas about something then the other group says they are being closed minded and stupid. If the people expressing their ideas are Christian really they should just be concerned with Studying the Bible and praying so that they know how God wants them to live their life. As a believer in Christ we are called to love one another, share God's salvation message(We are all sinners and can not get to Heaven on our own...Jesus gave his life on the cross for payment of our sins, if we confess our sins and believe in what Jesus did for us then we are saved and we no longer will be punished for our sins), and pray, pray, pray! If we are loving, sharing and praying then the Holy Spirit will be able to work in people's lives and when they come to know Christ as their Savior then the Holy Spirit can convict them of their sin...not us. I for one am glad that I don't have to condemn or convict people of what sin they have in their life...God created all of us in his image, but the bible clearly states how God expects his children to live their lives...We are all a work in progress...learning and growing closer to God as we study and pray and allow God to work in our lives..If you don't like what I have written please don't tell me, just don't read it...I am just writing down my thoughts and feelings and please don't think that I even pretend to be where I am suppose to be in my relationship with God..I struggle everyday with it and sin in my life...but I know that God loves me and died for my sin...I have confessed my sin to Him and accepted His gift of salvation and I ask HIm everyday to help me be the servant that He has called me to be...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Enjoying God's creation

The last two weekends I have done something I have never done before! And I never thought I would even enjoy it as much as I have. Two weeks ago I went to Yosemite and hiked on the Mist trail to Vernal Falls....It was so beautiful and peaceful to enjoy the things that God has created for our enjoyment. It won't tell you it was easy, it was hard! But I so loved pushing myself to do something that a few years ago would have frightened me...I guess getting older does have some advantages. Last weekend I went to Sequoia National Park and hiked a few trails and then walked up Moro Rock....standing up on top of the Rock and looking down into the valley was breathtaking! My goal is to hike up to Half Dome in Yosemite sometime next Spring or early Summer. As I look at pictures of Half Dome I am a little overwhelmed, but I am also excited at the prospect of doing something that I have to push myself and come out of my comfort zone. Several people have asked me why I would want to do this....I have thought about it my reasons and what I have come up with is that if I can learn to come out of my comfort zone in this area then maybe I can gain a deeper knowledge of God and in doing the things that He asks of me.

Friday, July 9, 2010


It is summer and I am so bored! I really should try and find a job that I can work year round....don't get me wrong I do enjoy sleeping in late and sitting out by the pool...but I don't enjoy not getting a paycheck! I wish I had money to go on vacations or just drive somewhere to get out of the valley for a day or so....sitting inside this house day after day just gets so depressing....I do go the gym everyday but it does not seem to be helping me....I feel better after I go and workout so I guess that is something....well that is all for you can probably tell I am not in a really great mood, but I am sure things will turn around....

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Where has the time gone

Well it has been awhile...I am trying to lose far done about 11 pounds, but I have so many more to go! Some days I just want to give up but I know I have to keep trying. I am going to a weight and health clinic to help me out...The last few weeks have been pretty little Molly (13 year old Shitzu) was diagnosed with an enlarged heart and we really don't know how much longer we will have her in our lives.....It is so hard when our pets come to the end...we don't want them to suffer but we don't want to let go either. Right now she is on medication and doing pretty well so we will see how that goes. We have spring break coming up in about two weeks and I am excited about going to Disneyland and Universal Studios. I hope the crowds will be low when we are there. Lots of things coming up this just trying to get through the next few weeks before we go on vacation!

Monday, October 26, 2009


I had such a great time on my trip to Disneyland! Last week I headed to Anaheim with two friends and my mom. We went to celebrate my mom's birthday. He took off around 2 pm last Wed. and got there around 6pm to check in to our hotel (Hampton Inn) Then drove to Downtown Disney to eat at the Rainforrest Cafe (Yummy) finished off the night by walking around Downtown Disney....After a great breakfast(thanks to Hampton Inn) we got on the trolley and headed out for a fun filled day at Disneyland! Short lines made the day very nice (it was a little warm) but overall had a great time. We rode every ride we wanted except for Indiana Jones....everytime we went to get on the ride it was broken down! So we never did get to ride it. After a very long and tiring day we went back to the hotel. Bright and early on Friday we headed down to breakfast and then off to Disneyland to try and get on Indiana Jones(still broken) and Pixie Hollow..then off to California Adventures. There we Soared over California, Screamed in California, drove down the crazy road of Mullholand and were terrorized in a tower! All in all it was a great day! We finished off the evening with dinner at Red Robin and soaking our tired feet in the hot tub! Saturday after checking out of hotel we headed off to do some serious shopping at the Citidel in Commerce, after a delicious lunch at Ruby's Diner we headed home! Now that is what I call a great time!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Holiday Weekend

Yea, for a three day weekend! This last week has been a pretty good week even though it started out not so good. Last weekend Cody went to ride his bike in Exeter at Rocky Hill, when he came home around 8 pm he said that he could not find his wallet and he really did not know even where he might have lost it. Cody and I drove back to where he had parked his car at the bottom of Rocky Hill and looked around to see if we could find it...which we had no luck. So when we got home we searched his room hoping to find it, but no luck. So then he had the task of canceling the bank card....which he did. On Monday he went to DMV and applied for a replacement drivers license....our main concern was that a dishonest person would find his wallet and use the drivers lic and social security card to ruin his credit and possibly his name. Cody became very concerned about this after one of his classes at school was talking about identity theft and how you should never carry you social security card with you because if anyone got your number they could really do alot of damage....I had been praying the entire time that God would allow an honest person to find his wallet and return it. Just a few days ago Cody received an envelope in the mail containing his wallet with everything in it! There was no name or anything, so we were so excited! God does answer prayers. As soon as he got the wallet he took the Social Security card out!
Last night we invited my brother and his wife over for dinner and swim. The nights are little cooler so the pool is not as warm....I was the only one to get in the pool. Everyone else thought the water was to cold, but it was nice to sit outside and eat. Caleb also invited several friends over to eat before they headed out to the movies. I love to have people over to eat it always makes me feel so good just to sit and enjoy company.
Well, I hope that everyone enjoys their long weekend. I know that I am going to enjoy just relaxing and hopefully cleaning and organizing my bedroom.