I can't believe that in just a few short hours we will already be in the month of September! Where has this year gone? The years just seem to fly by so quickly but yet I never seem to really get anything accomplished. I have been trying to lose weight for the last how many years? It never seems to work...I have stuck pretty good to my commitment of going to the gym...thanks to Caleb who always asks, "Do you want to go to the gym tonight?" I know he likes to go, so I always tag along and end up glad that i have gone and worked out. And then there is Cody asking if I want to ride around the block on my bike with him...so I go so I can spend some time with him....and get some much need exercise also! I am glad that they still want me to go with them. Both boys are at COS now....Caleb just started and Cody is taking some transfer classes(he already earned his AA) He hope to transfer somewhere by next fall...:( I am very proud of him but don't want him to leave...but I guess that day has to come. I can't imagine not seeing him everyday. I am back at work...still working as an instructional aide in a fourth and fifth grade class this year....I really enjoy working with the kids....This is my 5 year at Conyer and it is fun to see the kids growing and changing through the years. I will be starting the AWANA program next week at our church...excited to get started but overwelmed with all that has to be done....well other then all that I just try to get through each day with the help of God. He has blessed my life so much and I am so thankful for the family and friends that He has put into my life.